Linear Maths in C++


I have registered my name as my domain. I had to see what WordPress was first and it’s just content management. I’m sure I’ll get better at this over time.

I was reading K A Stroud’s Engineering Mathematics over the last couple of years. Way back in the 90’s I had books on neural nets – ahm, Artificial Neural Nets (ANN). That approach was strictly object-orientated.

The brain is a network of switches. That switch is technically known as an synapse. When it fires is dependent largely on the amount that has flowed into it. In the human brain that stuff is sodium ions, which is why it’s important to eat salt. The input flows through a nerve fibre called an axon and output through a dendrite. The channels become wider if used a lot, or narrower if not used, causing changes in the signal level.

The contemporary approach only considers the synapse weight and stores these values in a matrix. Tensor Flow and PyTorch are Python based tool-kits that use underlying NumPy libraries for very efficient matrix manipulation. I jumped straight in and tried to read Elegant SciPy but it was too difficult. The last book on Python was Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho. In it he claims 16 out the 23 Design Patterns in the GoF book are obsolete. The whirligig of time moves on and we get better at building software.

After many, many years of designing object-orienting software, I’m a skilled C++ programmer. Back to K A Stroud’s book – actually I have the 3rd edition; the current one at Amazon is 7th edition. I coded the actions for a Vector and Matrix and added to my GitHub repo. I think I have to study to do to use GitHub properly.

I have done some of HackerRank‘s exercises in C++ and Python.I have gold badge for C++.

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